
Welcome to my little stash in the web, from where I would like to share with you interesting ideas, news, contents, sometimes interviews and trends in the marketing field of my beloved football.

Nowadays football is one of the main worldwide business; from my point of view, what makes it so interesting is the complete absence of cultural, geographical and communication barriers. The major tournaments are broadcasted in every world region and therefore the business opportunities are fantastic for MNEs (multinational enterprises).

We are now in the middle of the FIFA World Cup 14´and hundreds of companies across the globe try to promote their services or products through this channel. From the major partners of the event like adidas, VISA, Itahú, Centauro, etc, until local businesses which develop special promotions with the competition as a birdcall.

Other brands like Heineken take profit from special partnership with UEFA to build up loyal customer relationships.

As an example of what Heineken does, I would like to share with you this ancient video showing one of the best promotions I have ever seen. I will avoid to explain it to let you enjoy yourself. 

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